ESG strategy

Our ESG strategy concentrates our activities in four key areas:

People and culture

Giving our people the environment, tools, skills and support they need to thrive in an open, honest and diverse culture.

Sustainable insurance

Ensuring our business considers climate change and other ESG issues in our underwriting decision making.

Responsible investment

Demonstrating our commitment to ESG, including responsibility for our environment, through the  management of our investments.

Operating responsibly

Running our business as a good corporate citizen, a responsible preserver of resources, and engaging constructively with all our stakeholders to the benefit of society. 

Lancashire Foundation

At the heart of our responsible business ethos is the Lancashire Foundation. Since the first donation in 2007, the Foundation has given more than $23 million to charitable organisations across an ever-increasing range of causes.


Read our policy statements including Slavery and Human Trafficking, Diversity, and Human Rights.

Click here for our UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2024.

Click here for our UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2023.