Our people strategy helps us deliver one of our key goals – to make Lancashire an employer of choice.
We are committed to retaining and attracting the best talent across our markets. At the heart of this delivering a respectful, rewarding and thriving work environment across our locations.
Listening to our people
We believe that giving our people an opportunity to feedback on their experience of working at Lancashire is vital. Our 2023 employee survey was open to all staff and carried out on our behalf by a third-party. Based on our results and the response rate, Lancashire was awarded a five-star employer award from the survey company, which is given to top-performing employers based on the surveys it runs for hundreds of clients.
The response rate was extremely high at 87%. This was 13 points higher than the last survey in 2021.
Our overall engagement score was 90%, an increase of 2% on the last survey and 14 points higher than the benchmark.
Our highest scores were for being proud to work at Lancashire, at 94%, while 92% of responders said they are motivated to do their best work and would recommend Lancashire as a great place to work.
A top ten employer
Lancashire was named a Top Ten employer in Bermuda in the annual awards run by the island newspaper Royal Gazette. Lancashire was placed seventh in the top 10 (out of 30+ participating companies). In 2021, we came eighth. Our employees in Bermuda were instrumental in our nomination, showing high levels of engagement.
The Lancashire Employee Network
The Lancashire Employee Network (LEN) was launched in 2023 to give colleagues an opportunity to get together to share knowledge and experiences. The LEN is led and managed by a group of employees from across the business. Its initial focus is on running ‘lunch and learn’ sessions, hosting internal and external speakers, and offering ‘soft skills’ training.
Attracting and growing talent
Lancashire aims to attract people who share our values and can bring their talents to the benefit of the Group. We actively recruit new employees at all levels from a range of backgrounds.
During 2023, Lancashire was pleased to welcome a cohort of apprentices to the business. The group were recruited into a number of functions including HR and IT. The Lancashire apprentice scheme aims to give young people starting their careers an opportunity to learn through on-the-job practical support and guidance while working towards formal qualifications.
In addition to attracting new employees, we are also focused on developing our existing colleagues and promoting them to new roles when opportunities arise.
Training and development
To help employees make the best of their talents and meet their ambitions, Lancashire has a number of training and professional development initiatives. We see real benefit in increasing people’s skills, experience and knowledge – whether at a more junior level or within our manager community.
Lancashire’s training and professional study programme also offers employees a range of support through our online ‘LMS – Insurance Assess’ e-learning platform. This provides compliance, soft skills, management and health and wellbeing training, along with (re)insurance-specific training courses.
Permanent employees have an enhanced invested interest in the success of the Company through our RSS to ultimately become a shareholder in Lancashire Holdings Limited.
We are also an accredited living wage employer, for our business and our supply chain.